Every team member has a unique experience in finance, banking, advisory roles earned at the most prestigious global companies. Combined strength and knowledge of many industries makes us a niche player in our industry.
is the Founder and Managing Director of Considero. He holds two degrees from McDaniel College (USA) and a master’s degree from Budapest University of Economics. He has 14 years’ experience in international structured finance and M&A.
is Partner at Considero. He holds an M. Phil. degree in Economics from Columbia University. He has 10 years’ experience in banking and 30+ years’ experience in economic and financial consulting in Europe, USA and Latin America.
is Real Estate Specialist at Considero. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Economics from Budapest University of Economics, and a Master’s degree from the Nottingham Trent University (UK) in the field of Real Estate Science. She has 15+ years’ experience in the real estate sector.
is Senior Analyst at Considero. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Harvard University. She has international experience in strategy consulting with strong focus on the energy industry.
is External Advisor at Considero. He has a Master’s degree in finance from Budapest University of Economics. He worked 15+ years’ experience in financial advisory services. He has broad experience gained through business valuation, advisory and several due-diligence engagements.